Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Funding for Plaintiffs

Sexual harassment has become such a common occurrence at workplace as well as outside that it is no longer surprising to hear of such cases in the news. But people are increasingly becoming aware of their rights regarding sexual harassment cases resulting in many sexual harassment lawsuits being filed. Usually the cases are filed against superiors at the workplace who tend to be rich and powerful. The lawsuits filed against them will drag on for months or even years before they reach settlement at the courts. The court fees and the lawyer charges will mount the cost of the litigation resulting in huge expenses for the person who has filed the sexual harassment claim.

Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Funding is available for Sexual Harassment Plaintiffs at

To help you come out of this difficult time, lends a helping hand by forwarding you a sizeable amount which you have to repay only after the settlement of the sexual harassment claim. We charge only a small monthly fee for the money forwarded to help you come out of the crisis without any difficulty. We also wait till the time of full settlement of the claim to receive the money we have given you. A Sexual Harassment lawsuit funding will usually get approved in less than 48 hours. You don’t even have to pay any upfront fees to us before the case is settled. Moreover, if you lose the case, you do not have to pay us even a single penny. So, it’s a win-win solution for you!

No payment until the Sexual Harassment claim is settled

Apply for Funding

To apply for lawsuit funding, please complete the form below and we will process your request immediately.

Applicant Name *

Phone #1 *
- -
Email address *

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) *

Postal Address *


State *
Type of Case *

Have you Received Previous Advance?
Yes     No
if Yes how Much? *

Attorney Name *

Attorney Phone Number *
- -
Attorney Fax
- -
Attorney Email

How much money do you need?
Describe the Incident?
Describe the Injuries Sustained?

I have read and agree to the terms of the Authorization to Release Information